Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's time to get free.

Their laws are compromising our freedoms. 

Are sheeple going to be blinded by wool in their eyes, or are they (we) going to stand up, learn who we are, and how we are the living spirit being compromised by false commodities. 

Are we a corporate entity, or a liability for an unsettled debt?  Some things to think about, as we go back to school to reclaim our birth rights.

Birth, Vessel... all for the control of water (spirit)....-doc

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Im cleansing again!

It is Spring Time, and the temple needs flushing and renewing....

Also cleansing is Ms. Khadija Shepard.
Ms Shepard is an Alternative medicine specialist, colon hydro therapist, and a distributor.
Her website is http://klaimvibranthealth.50megs.com/

 She is experiencing the highs and the lows of the 14-day nutritional fast.  Many others have fasted, but Ms Shepard is moving at a pace like no other to create, what I feel, is the effect of sipping from the fountain that Ponce de Leon could never find.

The 14 day cleanse, as summarized by Dr Jubb in this video, is not a fast, it is a Feast!