Saturday, March 30, 2013

For all those who believe racism exists amongst our people:


I was made to understand that listening to KTL's show last night, and the featured guest was:
Dr Claude Anderson, author of POWERNOMICS.

We must avail ourselves of this information, asap!
His website is

I had seen the following video last year, and this video opened me up to this man's diligence in opening the mind of the people to create the reality they should create.

Stay wise and on point yall...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We are under attack! Cellphones, microwaves, trains, planes, automobiles, cell towers, and computers, among all electronic devices, create dirty electricity.

It is easy to create fields in our body, that excite and positively charge (not a good thing, our cells should be between -60 and -90 millivolts in relation to our intracellular charge) our bodies.

One can see this with an oscillioscope, and measure the charges exhibited by the phones, computers, wireless devices, cordless phones....
These EMF fields create symptoms of sickness in the body that can be alleviated, by unplugging these devices.

Using a cell phone or a computer when plugged in can make YOU the conduit of all of that excess charge!

Start to learn about free energy devices. This is not crock science; they do work.

For all of you science minded folks, it would be good to have an understanding of Bell's theorem, Tesla's work, basic Electriconics, physics, Sacred Geometry, and many other areas. If you dont find it fun, ask an expert or learned person. And use your heart, the biggest Electromagnetic generator you own.

The Usual Suspects (not in order):
1. Your microwave:
The human body is meant to eat foods in it's unheated state. However, if one wants to cook food, they should use fire burned by a natural source, like wood. But here we are, assuming we're being smarter and more efficient by using electrical stoves and broilers. Even the food processers and blenders are connected to walls, but they are generally safe. But a microwave basically brings about a nuclear energy that reverses the molocules, and puts more positive charge in foods.

2. Laptop computer The story is that laptop computers promote prostate cancer in men, and ovarian cancer in women. Not entirely. Like the cell phone, there are many other contributing factors. But leaving either of these plugged in and using them can be dangerous over the long run. 3. Cell phone, Cordless phones. Plenty of information on this. Creates cancer in the brain, but usually malignant. The real danger is the wireless routers and the cell phone towers that are in our vicinities.
4. Wireless Router Wireless routers allow electronics to communicate without the inconvenience of wires, but in doing so they are spewing massive amounts of radiation throughout your home. In fact, an average wireless network can transmit radiation at the same frequency as a microwave. Learn more:
5. HAARP It’s the largest ionospheric heater in the world. Capable of heating a 1000 square kilometer area of the ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees. It’s like an electromagnetic beam, ie, it’s steer-able and those waves can be directed to a selected target area.
Learn more:
Possible solutions:

Eat more natural foods.
Foods have a tendency of being fractured, and are being eaten when one is being injured with the intention to heal. Injuring is occurring from the cellular level, so including fresh fruits and vegetables are the food needed to heal cellular damage from dirty electricity.
Use grounding device to remove excess EMFs from body, and to protect from entering.
There are plenty of devices that shield the body from electromagnetic poisoning.
Visit for a number of devices that shield harmful waves.
In NYC, visit the Crystals Garden on the lower east side. They carry many crystals and EMF shields as well.

Use traditional, non-wireless alternative. This may be a challenge if you have several laptops that you use to connect to the Internet, but if you primarily use a desktop you should be able to achieve this without any problem. Additionally, opt for a printer that plugs into your computer, rather than one that connects electronically.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring 2013. March 21: the real happy new year

Spring is Here! For some of you in the world....
The weather is totally not an indicator.....

As my website is being built by our best people, I decided to revive the blog page, and with spring cleaning come a few spring renewals.  This shall be one of those....
It's time to be aware.  There are so many things changing in this world.  An explosive interview brought that home for me:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

I said it was spring, right? Well, for some of you in the country(, and in the world), it's like the picture up to. Peace to Kansas

Winter was a blessing. I have found rest, love, relaxation and purpose. And on the nutritional end, it's the best time to fast, eat less, conserve, plan... < /br> As we have been hit with a barrage of artifical news (, which I'll leave to you to determine what is meant by the startling changes enforced by those), it is definitely clear that it is time to prepare on many fronts:

Preparedness and Survival:
Winter was a blessing.  I have found rest, love, relaxation and purpose.  And on the nutritional end, it's the best time to fast, eat less, conserve, plan...
As we have been hit with a barrage of artifical news (, which I'll leave to you to determine what is meant by the startling changes enforced by those), it is definitely clear that it is time to prepare on many fronts:

Survival and Urban Preparedness:
These are sites I would recommend, as of course, there are many others to investigate. 
All the best.