Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 2

Today was an interesting one. Did a liver flush on day 2, very out of order, but necessary for me. I will do another on Sunday. A typical day two would consist of the following: 8am - Tea (to warm up the blood) 9am - HERB (digest aid) 10am - Electrolyte Lemonade 11am - Monotomic drink (Lifecolloid)... 12 pm - 1 pm - Evacuese with Berries 2pm - ACV drink....., and so on and so forth. I decided to eat nothing except for a small piece of lifefood cheese, after having drank tea in the morning. Then came, THE LIVER FLUSH! It is now evening, and I feel like the intestinal garden is a swimming tank. Full of oil, full of lemon juice, constricting the liver by relieving it of toxins. Oil expands, and lemon squeezes. Think of your kitchen sponge. Good luck to you all.... PEACE!
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