Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 7....K.I.M.

Keep It Movin....
Yesterday was day 7, in which I drank 8 oz olive oil and 4 oz of lemon juice. Supposed to have been day 8, but Monday is that day for me to put a lot of work in….
All food blended, all of it lifefood....FASTING HEALS   -  Not the Doctor, and not the medicines that (s)he gives you.

You can heal yourself!

HEALING TAKES ENERGY – When organs and tissue are damaged from eating the following foods:

            Starches, dairy, animal flesh (including fish), and hybridized fruits and vegetables, including beets, potatoes, bananas, dates, carrots, turnips, peanuts, cashews…,

The body uses it’s energy reserves to attempt to heal the body.  When you sleep, and when you do not eat. The body is physiologically resting.  The body is a very intelligent matrix, which is designed to achieve perfection at every moment, nobody what damage occurs.

Most people have gall and liver stones mainly due to a diet high in insoluble fats and animal fats, undigestible proteins, refined sugars and refined carbohydrates combined with a lack of adequate insoluble dietary fiber. The liver and the gall bladder would normally be able to break down these acid-forming foods but due to their overconsumption the bile in the liver and gallbladder becomes supersaturated and insoluble and “stones” are created as these fats and cholesterols solidify. These stones can also become hard as sometimes they are encased in calcium and other minerals.

LIFEFOOD is good in that not only do gallstones or “strange undigestible proteins”  notform, but the years of accumulated enervation, due to toxic eating and emotional stress. 

 But eating alone will not remove the existing  condition of the body!

Thus, creating up to 600 percent increase in microcirculation and blood translation, pH improvement, etc....

Yesterday was day 7, in which I drank 8 oz olive oil and 4 oz of lemon juice.   Supposed to have been day 8, but Monday is that day for me to put a lot of work in….
All food blended, all of it lifefood....

Excellent Read.  The basis of possibly the most powerful cleanse on the earth.
On the weekend Lukey and I spoke on the cleanses most powerful aspects in healing the individual.  I also spoke on the social isolation one could possibly face when deciding that one wants to heal themselves.  Dont isolate, include by:
  • Offering to bring 1 of the many delectable dishes in this book to an event, and offer it exclusively
  • When one asks, "Where do you get your protein?", ask them if they have a minute, and then explain the premise of how the body is able to create its own, and this diet goes below the level of the cell.  They may bear an ear, they may not.  But they must understand that there is too much junk science encoded into the brain of the average person, and that a 5 min conversation will not change anyones beliefs.  Invite them to a gathering or a dinner, or send them videos on the subject.  There are plenty!
  • Do not fall into the trap of including yourself what you know is hurting you, do to need for belonging.  Be steadfast and bear in mind that you are on a mission from GOD, for the GOD in you!  Carry some fruit and some herb to go with it.  If something other than lifefood is eaten, it's not the end of the world.  Eat some evacuese (a powerful evacuative herb composed of aloe, grapefruit and rose and other organic ingredients) before and after any deadfood consumption.
  • STAY FOCUSED!  -doc
Even Amenhotep I opened the body, being he was the first surgeon.  The body does not need to be opened up!
So, I decided I will be my own doctor.  We have that innate function. Stay informed, stay tuned, and feel free to question EVERYTHING (even me)!  -doc

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