Monday, September 3, 2012

Day Zero Lifefood Fasting

Day 0:
It's like a brand new beginning again.

For the next 14 days I will be cleansing physically and mentally:

The physical will involve physiological rest of the digestive system.  Allowing the body to receive only blended lifefood and herb will involve cellular rejuvenation at the highest level.

No starch, dairy flesh, or hybrids, tobacco, mary....

This is me before the cleanse.  Not bad.  I took this pic sunday night, and now examining that I have a little bit of bloat (theres an 8 pack there, not too far away).  The bloat is a result of lower digestion inflammation, with colon and liver and gallbladder(, due to stones) needing to be purged.  For all those who speak that language, the Red, Orange and Yellow chakras need cleansing, involving some nice bitter and astringent herbs, as well as foods of that color (within the lifefood spectrum).... The blood must be balanced, and the interstitial fluid must be cleanse.  Therefore I will be doing weights, calisthenics and rebounding as well.
Shall we begin?

Food intake (Day1)

Energy tea            
Blood and Lymph Formula
Orange Sea moss icy (Good stuff)

Sesame Ginger soup
Rocky Road IceCream (w/ lifecolloid...Good looks Lukey!)
Sesame Ginger Soup (with zuchini bread)

Most likely a soup and a tea, with some blood lymph, evacuese and angelica herb

Til Tomorrow (2s day),
Doc P


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